“Pursuant to the French Loi Avenir professionnel [Professional Future Law] of 5 September 2018, implemented by a decree of 8 January 2019, companies must calculate an index that should make it possible to measure the principle of equality between women and men.”
For the year 2023, Bucher Vaslin received a score of 80/100, including 25/40 for the pay gap and 15/15 for the promotion rate gap.
We continue to analyse and monitor pay trends for men and women, to ensure that they receive equal pay for equal work.
We are present at schools, trade fairs, job dating events, etc. to promote gender diversity.

Areas for improvement
It has been noted that within the company, there is a slight gap between men’s and women’s pay for supervisors and managers.
The difficulty with this criterion is based mainly on historical factors, so we must be scrupulous in striving for equity.
Bucher Vaslin is committed to reducing this gap over time by ensuring that when recruiting and career development, the entire socio-professional category concerned is studied in order to be fair.
It has been noted that within the company, the proportion of women in positions of higher responsibility remains lower than that of men, since at 31 December 2022 there were three women among the ten highest earners.
The main reason for the lack of women in management positions is the difficulty of obtaining female candidates for positions of great responsibility within the company.
Bucher Vaslin wishes to increase the proportion of women in positions of greater responsibility and with higher salaries, and the company is committed to studying the career development aspirations of women when reporting professional training needs, or during professional interview campaigns.